

Meet the Edgar Team

Meet the Founder

In 2009, Laura created LKR Social Media, where she taught thousands of small business owners and entrepreneurs how to take their social media marketing to the next level. The only problem? It was manual and tedious. The tool she needed didn’t exist yet – so she decided to build it.

It doesn’t stop there, though! The launch of MeetEdgar coincided with her entering the world of parenthood. This had a profound effect on how she built things from day one, as she knew she’d have to set it up for success while she took maternity leave.

MeetEdgar has always been about more than just helping customers grow their businesses. It’s a tool to create the vision they have for their today and tomorrow, just as Laura did.

Meet the Team

Carol Bezerra

Customer Happiness

Carol dreams of working in Costa Rica or Maldives. You’ll find Circles by Mac Miller on her playlist and her fav thing about MeetEdgar is “our team of hard working people from all over the world.”

Sophie Marine

Customer Happiness

Sophie loves working remotely but if teleportation was possible, you’d also find her sharing a coworking space with this best. ever. team (Under Pressure by Queen/David Bowie playing, of course!) Her fav: “Helping MeetEdgar customers build their dream businesses and dream lives.”

Matt Oliveira

Software Engineer

You’ll find Matt jamming to the Beatles, maybe in Buenos Aires (dream spot!) Matt says, “I work with brilliant people. We all believe a lot in the product, which makes me always learn and challenge myself every day.”

Praveen M

Software Engineer

Playlist: Praveen’s dream remote work spot? Wayanad, Kerala while listening to Malayalam songs. His fav thing about MeetEdgar? Definitely the team!

Sheharyar Ajmal

Software Engineer

Ajmal loves how strong the team is, how we always learn from each other and work together to get things done. His ideal world has him working near a lake surrounded by green mountains, listening to Jal.

Join 10,000+ entrepreneurs who let Edgar handle their social media for them.

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