2024澳洲幸运8开奖官网结果现场-手机版澳洲幸运8开奖结果历史记录 直播现场 Everything you need to turn data into insights

Make smart, data-driven decisions that help optimize your entire portfolio of games. Join the world's leading studios who use GameAnalytics to learn more about their players, cut out the guesswork, and improve KPIs.

ISO 27001 SOC 2 KidSAFE+ ePrivacy

Trusted by 60,000+ gaming studios

Initialize. Analyze. Optimize.

Effortless setup, countless insights

Get a comprehensive overview of your entire game portfolio, optimize individual games and push changes with ease. Create custom dashboards, compare data across dimensions, manage all of your paid campaigns, run A/B tests and monitor performance in real-time.

A screenshot showing game retention stats and active users

Unmatched connectivity

Supporting 30+ game engines 澳洲幸运8直播开奖结果号码2024 开奖历史记录官方直播视频 and services

Whether you’re using Unity, Unreal, Roblox – or even building your own game engine – we’ve got you covered on all fronts. Connecting your development and marketing tools has never been easier!

  • Unity 3D
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Javascript
  • Unreal
  • Meta
  • Roblox
  • C++
  • C#

Get started with 1 line of code!

Unity SDK
// Initialize Unity SDK
Roblox SDK
// Initialize Roblox SDK
GameAnalytics:initServer("[YOUR_GAME_KEY]", "[YOUR_SECRET_KEY]")
Unreal SDK
// Initialize Unreal SDK
UGameAnalytics::initialize("GAME_KEY", "SECRET_KEY");
iOS (Swift) SDK
// Initialize iOS (Swift) SDK
GameAnalytics.initialize(withGameKey: "game key", gameSecret: "secret key")
iOS (Objective-C) SDK
// Initialize iOS (Objective-C) SDK
[GameAnalytics initializeWithGameKey:@"game key" gameSecret:@"secret key"];
Android SDK
// Initialize Android SDK
GameAnalytics.initializeWithGameKey(activity, "[game key]", "[secret key]");
JavaScript SDK
// Initialize JavaScript SDK
gameanalytics.GameAnalytics.initialize("[game key]", "[secret key]");
Unity SDK
// Initialize Unity SDK
Designed to help you grow

Improve your decision making with data

Keep a close eye on player interactions to pinpoint the changes that matter. Our predefined dashboards and flexible events help you track any aspect of game design. Measure the stickiness of your title with reliable retention data and keep your games polished with real-time insights.

Is level 4 too difficult? Or is your tutorial so long that it's causing players to churn? Do certain acquisition channels bring lower quality installs? It's easy to answer these types of questions and dramatically improve the first-time user experience with our powerful features like real-time Funnels and Cohorts .

Create flexible reports with the Explore Tool , offering endless filtering and aggregation options to truly understand all aspects of your design and in-game economy. Analyze and compare any predefined metrics, or even your custom dimensions and events. Save queries for future use, and export data to CSV.

Test design assumptions and easily release data-backed updates with our Live Ops features. Introduce small changes and analyze their impact with A/B Testing , removing guesswork for smarter decisions. Tailor in-game parameters and trigger live changes without constant app updates with Remote Configs .

Get proactive error alerts and connect multiple data sources to get a single source of truth. Learn how your ad spend impacts product KPIs and begin to understand LTV and RoAS. See our integrations for all major services.

A view of the real-time data dashboard
Customizable events

Track every game interaction

Cha-ching! Track the real money transactions happening in your game with Business Events. From in-app purchases to receipt validation, get the full scoop on your players’ spending habits and optimize your monetization strategy like a pro.

Watch those virtual currencies flow! Resource Events let you manage the ebb and flow of gems, lives, and other valuable resources in your game. Keep tabs on every gain and loss, and ensure your players always have enough power to conquer any challenge!

Level up, conquer quests, and achieve greatness! Progression Events are your ultimate guide to tracking your players’ journey through the game. From start to finish, monitor their every move and celebrate their milestones along the way.

Oops! Did something go wrong? Don’t fret, Error Events have got your back. Capture those pesky errors, warnings, and exceptions generated by your players’ in-game behavior. Stay one step ahead, identify issues, and keep your game running smoothly.

Design like a boss! With Design Events, you have the power to track any element in your game. From GUI elements to tutorial steps, dive deep into the user experience and ensure every design choice hits the mark. Your game, your rules!

Advertise, engage, and optimize! Ad Events give you the inside scoop on how players interact with ads in your game. From interstitials to rewarded ads, measure the performance and impact of your advertising campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

Unlock the secrets of ad impressions! Impression Events provide valuable data from different ad networks, including AdMob, Fyber, Ironsource, TopOn and MAX. Dive into the world of ad revenue and optimize your ad strategies for maximum impact.

A preview screenshot -- see live events in a game optimized SDK

No black boxes

Your data is yours

With our powerful data access features, your data is never locked away. Easily pull structured or unstructured data from GameAnalytics into your own systems for custom processing and reporting.


First-party analytics, top-tier security

Information security and data privacy is our DNA. We bolster your GDPR and CCPA compliance, backed by leading independent accreditation bodies. With us, your data stays yours – no third-party sharing.

Guides, analysis & insights

Unravel the gaming universe

Get a deeper understanding of the gaming industry with our well-researched reports, practical tracking guides, insightful case studies, exclusive studio interviews, and relevant market commentary.

Proven performance

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Rely on our unparalleled stability at scale, with a 99.9999% uptime guarantee, ensuring uninterrupted access to your data.

Monthly active games


Daily events processed

25 billion+

Up-time record


#1 trusted service

12 years

Still not convinced?

Hear it from the best

Join 30,000+ leading games industry professionals for weekly insights

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